Why Don't You Use Free Stuff?
I know we are all different, and thank goodness for that but I just can't understand why people don't use some of the really cool free stuff there is available on the internet.
Maybe it's a genetic thing and it's true that Yorkshiremen are tight but I just love free stuff.
whatever I need I try to find how I can get it for free before I pay for it and sometimes if I can't get it for free I just do without it or find a close substitute.
One freebie is something that was promised to us on science program's over 25yrs ago, and we've had it for a many years now is free communication. Oh yes everybody uses regular email but it's so outdated and old fashioned I simply don't know how it still manages to survive or why anybody still uses it.
For E-mails I use
"The Worlds Coolest E-Mails" It allows me to track when my mails are opened, call it back if I make a mistake, send video mail, and the list goes on. You can read all about it in the review I wrote about it
here. Even More Amazing Is That I Get Paid Just For Using It.Sign up for it now by clicking one of the liks in this text or go to the Free Stuff box near the top of this page and click on the Mailbox Casbox icon.
Another freebie I cannot understand why everybody does'nt use is
"Skype" It is quite simply the best free communication medium on the 'net.
The other night I played backgammon, and had a conversation and a beer with a friend in Ireland, it was almost the same as sitting in a pub with him.
I had a IM (instant message) conversation with my brother who was sitting at his desk at work in London.
Best of all I had a video call with my wife who is in the Dominican republic, but I won't be telling you about that.
This will amaze you....are you ready to hear this?..
I GET PAID FOR USING SKYPE..Surprised? So was I. If you did'nt know you could get paid for using
Skype ask me about it in the comment box.
Did you know people are still paying hundreds, sometimes thousands of Pounds/Dollars to learn about Internet Marketing, it's laughable I mean come on guy's really. There are thousands of people and company's out there begging you to sell their product for them
(Yes me included, look here) Some of these people and company's will teach you everything there is to know about Internet Marketing
(Me too! Heres some free videos to get you started).Maybe you already have a business to promote or a product to sell. Perhaps you've heard about the fortunes being made in Internet marketing but thought it was difficult and did'nt know how to get started.
Whatever the case you should read this book
Like Everything Else Here, It's Free